
Persona Distortion

People place too much emphasis on the significance of their beliefs, as if that's all they are. It's even so ingrained in the public psyche that standing for nothing is perceived as cowardly and weak, which seems to pave the way for tyranny and stubbornness. Paves the way for tyranny and stubbornness, I mean. But I see a lack of belief in anything as rather liberating. Granted, that in itself is a belief, but it's one that's more than capable of modification, or complete abandonment, as they're composed more for the sake of entertainment than persuasion. More than likely, you can tell it's me by now, which is part of the beauty of what I'm trying to explain, that through the dissolution of identity, you are free to navigate the world and become anyone you damn well please. People will call you "fake" and a "liar" of course, but they're only deluded into being convinced of their own authenticity. Besides, am I supposed to buckle under the weight of name-calling? Insults have little effect now, nor does praise.
And I ask them this, do you understand the thrill of being someone else without another's notice? Sociopathic, sure, I should change my ways based on your say so while doing the same for you, but in all honesty, I'm able to empathize with people to a greater degree without feeling the sting of betrayal. I don't expect people to care for nothing but themselves, and no longer see that as a bleak conclusion to draw.After all, the acceptance of vice is a virtue.
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