
Police Brutality... where is the line?

Every day it seems that there is a new video here on Ebaums potraying a devistating story about police brutality.


Here are some examples;

14 year old girl suffers brain damage after tazer prong penatrates her skull.  -

Baby is hit with tazer

Handcuffed Man beaten by police -

Women tazed during verbal arguement -

Man beaten while laying helplessly on the ground -

Father beaten to death after allegedly assaulting a police officer.  -

72 year old lady tased for not signing a speeding ticket -


What some don't understand is that, the cops have no right to pass judgement, and carry out punishments... they don't even have a say to what your punishment will be.  It is simply their jobs to keep the citizens of their juridiction safe, and to submitt those who impeed on the rights and safety of others, to the justice system for trail.  Sometimes there are situations where people are uncooperative.  At that point it is the responsiblity of the police to subdue that suspect in order submit them into a situation where it is impossible for the suspect to resist.   Force should be used only to subdue a suspect, in order to stop or prevent the potentially or actively harmfull actions taken by a suspect.  Police are not allowed to use force as punisment for any actions.  It is the responsibility of the cop to asses the situation, and conclude to the safest way to aprehend someone. No where in their job discription or training does it tell police to use potentially fatal force in order to gain compliance of a non threatening suspect.  It also does not allow them to use more force than nessesary, by accordance to the offense.  For example, they are not allowed to arrest someone who killed someone, differently than they would arrest someone who stole food from a corner store.   Arrests are to be made in a way that is in accordance to the behaviour of the suspect.

For example:  If the suspect complies physically, but dissagrees with the actions of police, it is reasonable to handcuff that suspect, or threaten to handcuff them if they do not calm down.  If at some point the suspect appears to be willing to resist the arrest physically, then appropriate force should be taken.  Suspects should not be given the opertunity to run.  If the police is somehow physically unable to subdue a suspect, a tasing is in order.  But not when it's some 70 year old lady who stands there and argues with an officer over a traffic stop. She may not have been as compliant as she should have been, but she sure as hell wasn't in a position where she could harm the officer. She was not trying to physically do anything. All she did was stand there and yell at him.   In the one video, they have the guy pinned down, but somehow he is able to struggle enough to move.  The officers let go of the guy, and stand back as one of them tases him.  The guy then starts choking on his bag of drugs, and does not resist when the police are trying to save him...which was a shit attempt.  They were pushing on his ribs as if to try the Heimlich manuever, when they should have known to push under them.  That man died as a result.

If the suspect resists the arrest, it is reasonable for the police officer to physically subdie the suspect, by force which may involve having the suspect tackled to the ground, or tased.  They should not tase a suspect that can be wrestled to the ground, or tackled, especially if that suspect is not weilding a weapon.  Tasers should only be used in situations where the suspect is being physically defiant, and the officer is unable to safely get close enough to tackle the suspect.  It is also not justified if the officer warned the suspect before hand.  The old lady was threatened to be tased, and when she wouldn't stop talking, he tased her.  He should have never even entertained the thought of tasing this old lady, who was not a physical threat to the officer.  All she did was argue, and thus should have been arrested, not physically assaulted.


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