

In general, law enforcement is simply out of control in America, a supposedly first world country.

As a society, we agree to live under a set of rules called "laws" and we have collectively decided that punishment for criminal activity goes through a process. 

1. Police invesuploads1556071756369-Dredd.JPGtigate crime. 

2. Lawyers prosecute crime. 

3. A jury hears the evidence. 

4. A judge controls the rules of the courtroom. 

5. A jury decides the outcome. 

6. A judge accepts the verdict and applies an array of punishments. 

7. Jail and prison officials oversee the criminal. 

8. Probation officers counsel the supposedly reformed criminal back into society. 

When law-enforcement leapfrogs that system to beat, kick, choke, punch, abuse citizens, they become criminals themselves and nothing better than 3rd world vigilantes like Judge Dredd. Don't say you support law and order, then also approve when officials are unlawful and disorderly, then you DON'T actually support law and order, you support tyranny. 

"But they are beating people I don't like, so it's Ok!"

I hear that all the time, that's really why people turn a blind eye to it. It's because the police are beating up black people that are being obnoxious in some way, and legally, it's not against the law to be annoying and obnoxious, so a wink and a nod goes to the police if they are abusing, "the right" people who probably deserve it anyway. And what does it matter? The police don't pay for six-figure payouts to victims, the community does! 

Just wait until the Muslims are completely running law-enforcement in Minnesota, and they start beating non-Muslims in the same manner. I wonder if the white people are going to suddenly try to jam on the breaks to the monster they invented and supported all these decades? Too late when the police start targeting you. 


"I'm a Conservative and support the boys in blue! They have a tough job!"

You are not a Conservative. True Conservatives are against big expensive unionized government that investigates themselves. Conservatives are more libertarian, small government types who know law enforcement has a role to play, but not so oppressive that they expect the citizens to simply outsource their personal security to a centralized authority. And having a "tough job" doesn't mean we give excuses when the stress causes them to beat the hell out of some crackhead and have to pay that scumbag a legal settlement. Then guess what happens? That's right, that money comes from TAXES to cover all those legal bills, AND since politicians hate to be accused of raising taxes when running for re-election, they get the police to be even MORE aggressive in collecting money for the city, which just makes things worse. 

"I'm a liberal, and support unions who vote Democrat."

Indeed. I remember not too long ago long-haired free-running hippies were against "the man" and wanted to be left alone to smoke pot as they pleased. Now who are they? Baby Boomers who ALSO support "the man" and ignore the abuse as long as the union keeps feeding money to re-election campaigns. It's similar to illegal immigration, the Republicans look the other way for big business cheap labor, and Democrats look the other way for dependent voters who always seem to know where the welfare office is right after they cross the border. 

The police are just kinda dumb, and by "kinda" I mean "very."


Honestly, what kind of person goes into law-enforcement? Unfortunately, it attracts the WRONG kind of people: those who like authority, telling people what to do, not very skilled in other areas, and especially the possibility to be aggressive with a high likelihood of getting away with it, and that's why we need strict screening and PTSD testing every 2 years. Like allowing trans people to use any toilet they want, it's just an open door for pedophiles to take advantage of it. And screen out gay men who are banging down the door to be Scout masters? I mean, really, figure out motivations, it's not that hard. 

So, this profession exposes workers to: shit, vomit, spit, semen, snot, urine, blood, puss, AIDS, guns, infected needles, murderers, rapists, suicidals, crazies, and every time they act like that's not REALLY part of the job. So why do it? The military sacrifices their lives for the defense of America, and generally has a grateful audience, but not law-enforcement. People despise them for their efforts. So why do it? 

Unfortunately, the answer is simple: they are just not that smart.

The majority of police are mere community college graduates with 60 credits in anything. If you rank all the colleges in the U.S., where on the list do you suppose you see the first community college ranking pop up? Probably not until you bypass all the division 1, 2, and 3 schools, and private colleges. In some instances, officers have 4-year degrees in Criminal Justice, but yet in some areas, all that is needed is a high school diploma, yikes! If you are in a dangerous, high stress job, it's because you probably have no skill to do anything else. Most other people would save up their money after a few years, quit, go back to college and find a job less life-threatening. Sure, some have altruistic goals, but that is likely the minority as human beings have one selfish attitude, take care of themselves, and if they are in a dangerous job, they are doing it for the money and employment as they likely have few other options other than stocking shelves at Food Lion. 

Case in point: Do you remember Christopher Dorner? The cop-killing ex-police officer they burned to death in a cabin caught in 2014? Well, he was driving a GRAY Nissan Titan in Los Angeles, but the MASSIVE manhunt was so intent on murdering this man (vigilantism) they poured over 50 bullets into a BLUE Toyota Tacoma, (from behind, without identifying the suspect) with two WOMEN inside just delivering newspapers. One was shot in the back and settled out of court (we paid for that bit of stupid). Then the police corralled Dorner in a cabin, but, shucks, it caught fire and he burned to death, just like in Waco Texas. Yep, a troubled scumbag died and it saved us even more money to keep him in prison, but the point is, do members of a 1st world country want police to open fire on anyone, then have us pay for the repercussions? Do you want them filling a suspect with 50 bullet holes or burning him alive without due process? Do we now just have a modified version of the Taliban, patrolling the streets beating and whipping people? 


Black Lives Matter was right......sort of.


Remember this dummy? Officer Darren "I feared for my life" Wilson? He was the Ferguson, Missouri officer who shot and killed  "unarmed" teenager Michael Brown after he aggressively robbed a convenience store, and then (supposedly) attacked Officer Wilson after a confrontation. Between a low I.Q. cop, and a low I.Q. inner-city teen, honestly, does anyone have a dog in this fight? It's just Dumb meets Dumber in my book. But, as usual, the boot-licking cop supporters sided with Officer Wilson because he shot someone they don't like very much and the black people sided with the teen thug because he's black and they don't like police very much. Isn't there PLENTY of middle ground here? No. As usual you have to choose between one shitty extreme or the other. Why can't citizens shoot cops and claim, "I feared for my life?" Or is that get-away-with-murder card only reserved for government employees? Do citizens have any rights left? 

Officer Wilson was never charged with a crime. He got doxxed and the police had to block off his cul-du-sec because citizens have no right to know where their overlords live, and he eventually quit. I hear he's working at Food Lion. 


The one thing the Obama administration got right.

A black president and his black Department of Justice got revenge for Michael Brown when they caught Ferguson doing WHAT EVERY DISTRICT IN AMERICA DOES every day, and that's the police in conjunction with the mayor and courts, shake down citizens to balance city budgets (because the mayor has political aspirations and doesn't want to campaign on raising taxes) and the Legal Industrial Complex with its vast array of employees, (lawyers, judges, court / jail /prison / probation officials), that need jobs and plenty of victims coming through the assembly line. The police departments used to have "ticket quotas" but since that LOOKED predatory, they discontinued that, but now it's only an IMPLIED quota, it's not written anywhere. But ask a police officer what happens when they count tickets and he/she is at the bottom every month? No promotion for you any time soon buddy, remember to get your rear in gear next shift! 

So the D.O.J. caused the municipal court to shut-down, and forced people to resign, and again, they were not criminally prosecuted, which they should have been. 

Black Lives Matter protested a predatory police force.

The police investigate themselves, find themselves NOT at fault (after a year or two) and if any officer is actually guilty of a crime, they are usually FIRED, instead of prosecuted. The government purposefully sicces the police on citizens for money, harasses and shakes down people for simple lane-change violations, jay walking, or in New York, Stop and Frisk episodes. Too many of these instances, the police escalate a routine interaction with a citizen into a murder scene. And when that happens, the usual response is, "Well if they did everything they were told, like a good little subject, no one would be dead right now!" --sounds like what a rapist would say to their victim as well. Do free standing citizens of the United States of America have to go limp and passive while interacting with their own government, similar to a bear attack? 


We've seen this kind of abuse before, in the 1770s, and we decided we didn't like it very much. And with that, I have to give credit, Black Lives Matter exposed law-enforcement as predators, not the "Serve and Protect" nonsense we are lead to believe. 




First of all, liberals destroyed the black family. Up until the 1960s, before welfare, it was mostly intact. They substituted the government for a father. A man in the house keeps order at the micro level. MEN in the community keep order at the next ring, and so it goes. A few years ago, researches kept finding dead rhinos in Africa crushed, speared, mutilated all over the place. What was causing this? Elephants. Young male elephants to be exact. There was a lack of mature adult male elephants that threw their weight around and kept the hormone-fueled youth in place, so they took out their aggression on other species. When mature males were reintroduced, the mutilations stopped. Sound familiar?

"Idle hands are the Devil's workshop." When you have black youth standing around all day causing trouble, that makes more work for the police. Fighting, doing drugs, getting drunk, making babies, are all terrible ways to make the day go by. When you have men spreading their seeds all over town, and then their sons grow up and do it, it's just a matter of time before 1/2 brothers and sisters create their own off-spring since neither are able to understand their family tree. The social fall-out from this is profound: I.Q. points drop, birth defects, mental retardation and genetic disease all increase. Guess who pays for that? We all do, and that's why taxes go up, and people who are successful, flee to less socially corrupt cities. And to cover their tracks, liberals shout out of their U-haul truck as they are leaving town, "Blacks don't do well in school because of racism! -Bye!"

Additionally, when welfare is available, school test scores mean nothing. When the Affirmative-Action hammock is laid out, it creates unqualified, and soon to be unemployed people. The soft racism of low expectations has to stop. Do well and work hard or the consequence are SUFFERING. And that's a good thing. An empty stomach motivates people to fill it. But slimy politicians promise to alleviate suffering with hand-outs in exchange for votes. We know who those people are. . . 


"Illegitimacy is the single most important social problem of our time – more important than crime, drugs, poverty, illiteracy, welfare, or homelessness because it drives everything else." -Charles Murray, The Bell Curve


Higher standards should also apply to our own government, to those we trust with a badge, gun, and decision-making over life and death. 

1. Minimum age of 25.

I don't know about you, but taking orders from some 20 year old (or younger in some states) fresh out of community college, who has no family, can barely shave, never performed military service, is on his/her first job, should really have some life experience before waiving a gun around and telling others what to do. 

2. Four years of college.

I support special federal grants and scholarships (like many students also qualify for) for those who want to become law-enforcement officials, as long as it's law related such as Criminal Justice, not piano or philosophy. Treat the profession like a profession with a professional degree. It makes sense. Or, if it's not financially feasible, make them pay for their own college, then apply for law-enforcement. 

3. Legal, Constitutional training.

Police have very little legal training, which is weird considering they are in LAW-enforcement. They need to be heavily trained in the laws they are enforcing, and especially Constitutional law, so that "The People" come first, not the government as the country was founded on, "We the People" not "We the Government." Maybe if they took a stand and were on our side, citizens wouldn't have to blow wads of cash appealing their daily stupidity all the way to the Supreme Court to get justice. The police have anti-American thinking. Instead of reading the Constitution as what the government cannot do to us,--a limiting document the Founding Fathers envisioned after fighting an oppressive government, the police use the thinking, "I can do whatever I want to you unless the Constitution (or the Supreme Court) specifically says I can't do that to you." That's tyranny, not attitudes that govern a free people. 

4. F.B.I.-style of training.

Money well spent. If every law enforcement officer was professionally trained, we wouldn't have so many cases of bumbling-stumbling Mayberry cops screwing up crime scenes destroying evidence. 

5. 10 years of service, maximum.

There is no right to stay on the force until retirement. Let's face it, there is never really a shortage of young people going into law-enforcement. So why keep the same people around forever? Considering how many officers develop PTSD and "fear for their lives" why are they on the force carrying a gun?  Ten years of service is enough. They have money, go back to college or do something else. For those who have a good record, are physically fit, know the law, THEY STAY AND MOVE UP to sergeant, lieutenant etc. The rest are drummed out and replaced. 

6. One-three strikes and your done. 

For those on probation, one misstep, and you're out in the first 6 months. For anyone else that accrues 3 strikes before the 10 year deadline, you're done. And I don't mean "done" as in move to another district or state, I mean done-done, as in, ineligible to work in law-enforcement anywhere. 

7. Psychological screening.

Anyone who applies, needs to be carefully screened. Do they have the right temperament to put up with rejection, hostility, verbal abuse? A short fuse? Then that person should be a baker, not someone carrying a Glock in his holster. PTSD screening should be performed every 2 years to check for signs of stress. Officers should report signs of PTSD to an outside agency, as the department would see that as crossing the thin blue line. If guns can be removed in Colorado based on "concerns" of stress or erratic behavior, why would we ignore that with law-enforcement? 

8. Cops go to prison for crimes.

The punishment for ruining and taking advantage of the public's trust should be severe. Often, there are several stages of cover-up. Ignoring, hiding/destroying evidence, lying in court, internal investigations to do all of the above, and eventually the officer is put on paid desk duty or fired, not criminally prosecuted. The public needs to know laws apply to law-enforcement then activist organizations like Black Lives Matter won't pop up with legitimate claims. 

9. Cops live in the neighborhoods they are patrolling.

Yeah, how's that one? Why allow them to run away to the nice and safe suburbs, remove their listing from the telephone directory, and hide in anonymity? "Who are the people in your neighborhood?" Why allow them to drive in 20 miles from home, patrol a neighborhood they despise, not really know any of them, beat and harass them, then safely hide out 20 miles away after shift? I don't think that's very fair at all. How about WALK to your home after shift, and leave your car parked on the street? Are police afraid that there will be repercussion for anything they do during their shift? If they are honest and done their job professionally, they shouldn't be. "You don't have anything to hide do you officer?"

10. Adults don't rule society anymore.

The police are only PARTLY to blame for this. It's social justice warriors, activist prosecutors, and of course, the main culprit, politicians who pass social-crushing laws. Back in the day, ANY adult could discipline any snot-nosed youth (think of the adolescent elephants in Africa) on the street, in a shopping mall, or convenient store. Grab them by the collar, "What did you say to my wife!?" and give them a kick in the pants. If they called the police, they would come and give a 2nd kick in the pants, then the parents would give a 3rd. It was an ADULT-RULES society, not a crazy youth-ruled society. What kept the youth in check is fear of an angry adult. Now teens don't fear adult reprisals, and certainly not the courts because no real punishment awaits them. They will be released to their parents, and their criminal record is forever hidden as they are below 18 years old. Disciplining youth is not oppressive vigilantism. They are children learning the ways of society, and punishment is completely necessary whether it's in the home, or by the school principal, or on the street. It's sorely needed corrective action so when they DO become adults, hopefully they won't be criminals taking advantage of people. 

NOT IT'S NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE! Prosecute prosecute prosecute adults!  The Legal Industrial Complex needs check-marks in the win column and more delicious money of course, and the police gleefully round up adult "offenders" who would dare touch a precious hair on any youth's innocent head. With adults in charge, the police don't have to run around chasing their own tail against any and all infractions done by youths, as adults are the enforcers everywhere they go....with the support of the police. But, thanks to the cops, everyone fears mobs of out-of-control teens, just like what happened recently in Chicago

11. License scanners.

Let's face it. Police officers have TERRIBLE social skills. The less interaction with the public, the better off everyone is. There are systems in other countries where the driver's license can be scanned with a hand-held device, it prints out a receipt for monetary penalty and the nature of the violation. The police officer verifies who you are, says very little, hands you the receipt, and drives off. uploads1556078483510-Scanner.JPG

American police irritate and escalate routine traffic stops, until you fight back, then they get aggressive.  

"What are you doing in this neighborhood?" 

"Where are you headed today?" 

"Do you have anything in the car I should know about, drugs, open containers, firearms?"

"What do you have in the trunk? Do you mind if I take a look?" 

"Would you consent to a search of your car, just to check?" 

"If you consent to a search, I'll let you go." 

"I'm going to bring in a SEARCH dog to SEARCH your car, even though you did not give me permission to do so." 

"Roll your window ALL the way down for me, put out that cigarette, remove your sunglasses, stop recording me, turn off the ignition and remove the keys, keep your hands on the steering wheel for me today...because I told you to!"

"If you are compliant, nothing bad will happen to you." 

Really? Look what happened to this COMPLETELY COMPLIANT kid. You don't seem to get it yet. Aggressive people who shouldn't even be in law-enforcement don't take "yes" for an answer. The police don't just abuse blacks, they take advantage of anyone they think they can get away with whether they are poor (unable to defend themselves legally) or as in this case young (ignorant of the law), and especially women because they are not physically strong enough to fight back. Scan and get in your squad car and drive away as quickly as possible before an irritated free-standing citizen says something you don't want to hear. Everyone wins. 

I hope, no matter which extreme political spectrum you are on, "Police can beat whomever they want" or "Police are great because we need their union money and vote" you seriously consider reforming this part of the government that is in desperate need of it. It's not going to improve on its own, it's going to get worse as more people get frustrated and resort to violence for justice, and then the snowball effect begins. The police become even more aggressive and abusive to counter the citizen's blow-back, and then it's a gang-like tit-for-tat soft civil war. In fact, it's already worse. There is such an "us vs. them" mentality, lawyers (and law-enforcement) recommend not speaking to the police at all, for any reason. 

I'm all for law and order and supporting the police, but they have to also be lawful themselves, and respect our rights whether we are normal law-abiding citizens, active criminals, or suicidal / drugged-out people hell-bent on killing ourselves. We expect the police to protect us, even from our own hand, because that's what first-world people expect from law-enforcement, --professionals. Put the Glock away, it should not be your first and only option, lethal force, it should be your last option. We gave you the power over life and death, use it responsibly. 




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