
Screw you GMO haters

As I scribe this I am sipping a cocktail made of whiskey and what amounts to carbonated round-up on the rocks with a lime squeeze. I don't understand what the big deal is. Round-Up is pretty much a natural thing. God created man and then man created round-up. It wasn't like some robot came along and whipped it up. Get my drift? I used to play with this stuff as a kid. My mom wouldn't buy me any toys and she was always telling me to "use my resources". So I did what any kid would do and played with toxic chemicals that were kept in the barn.

This is me as a boy.
This is me 15 years later. As you can see there really is no difference. Round up hasn't effected me in the least. Even my pet rat, whom I used to bathe in round-up, had no effects at all. Lets take a look at her.
Hi Lumpy! She looks as healthy as when she was born! Oh look she made a little doody. Lumpy is always making poops and leaving them all around the house.

Back to my pooint. Just because 90% of what we eat and drink have some form of genetically modified food in it doesn't make it unsafe. Monsanto ran tests on these seeds for almost 90 days at a time. Plus the FDA passed their product. On top of that people who have worked for Monsanto now work for the FDA now. It is so obvious the government is just looking out for us. I trust the government because I am a patriot.

Monsanto is a company small farmers can trust. All they want to do is feed the poor. Which brings to GMO labeling. Why should all these corporations have to label their products that have GMOs in them. They can't afford to do that. They would have to lay off workers and hire illegal immigrants. More so,they would have pass on the huge cost of labeling to the consumer. We can't afford a Pepsi that costs a 1.50 a can. Kellogs would have to raise their price on cereal. Why can't those organic hippie companies put non-gmo labels on their products?
In conclusion, there is no reason to think a seed that can grow and flourish while weed killer is being sprayed on it will do you any harm. Why would it? It just doesn't make sense. Remember a little poison won't kill you but a little each day definitely won't.

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