
Stars Have Aligned for Epic New Movie

The stars have aligned to allow an epic futuristic action suspense thriller love triangle film with a twist that is sure to make a killing!  You had better re-read that because your future may be at hand.


Rarely have the stars aligned quite in this way; a blockbuster movie opportunity, a stunning and athletic actress at the peak of her career, and talented movie producers and directors chomping at the bit to make their first or next mark on the world.  Are you one of them?  If so, you just might be in the right place at the right time.


The formula is simple:  A movie based on the iconic futuristic suspense thriller SABER Ladder (novel by Cory Richardson), plus the extremely classy Gina Carano portraying either of the two main female characters, if you can twist her arm into doing it (you had better be tough, though).  Could be a slam dunk.


SABER Ladder is set in the 2090s in the Spokane and Seattle, Washington areas.  Mind control is in.  Conventional prisons are out.  Mind manipulating 4M devices have been extensively used for decades for rehabilitation and replacing drug therapy.  The 4M machines have advanced to the point of a bold new usage, Supernatural Exposures.  There is plenty enough action, mystery, love triangles and futuristic twists to delight would be movie goers from the opening scene.


Gina would be kickin as Randi, or a real class act as Meagan.  You cannot lose on this one!  And you will be the hero for seeing the vision.  The stars are aligned for you to get in on this opportunity, so what are you waiting for?
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