
The Three Billy Goats Gruff Retold

Once upon a time, there were three bloggers, who wanted to type blogs on ebaumsworld.  Walking over to the internet cafe, they had to cross a bridge.  Under this bridge lived an ugly troll with cat ears.

The first blogger was named Tyaeda.  As she crossed the bridge the ugly troll yelled "who's that crossing my bridge?  Go away before I come up there and call you a butt-hurt faggot!"

"Oh no! please don't do that Mr. Troll!" said Tyaeda.  "Wait for the next blogger, he writes more blogs than I do!"

So the troll said "very well, you may pass.  I'll wait for the next blogger to come."

The next blogger was named Letemdangle.  As he crossed the bridge, the ugly troll yelled "who's that crossing my bridge?  Go away before I come up there and flag your blogs!"

"Oh no! Please don't do that Mr. Troll!" said letemdangle.  "Wait for the next blogger, he doesn't write many blogs, but he's kind of in charge around here."

"No one is in charge of me!" shouted the ugly troll.  "You may pass, I will wait for the next blogger and we shall see who is in charge!"

The next blogger to come along was named PepperPeanut.  As he began to cross the bridge, the ugly troll yelled "who's that crossing my bridge?  Go away before I come up there and destroy your precious blog section!"

PepperPeanut replied "don't even try it because I will FUCK YOUR SHIT UP!"  So the ugly troll ran to the top of the bridge and immediately got his ass handed to him on a silver platter. 

As the mighty PepperPeanut cast the troll off the bridge and into the water below, a cheer arose from hundreds of bloggers who were tired of listening to the troll ranting and raving, and they all lived happily ever after.  Well, happily for about two weeks until the troll came crawling back with his tail tucked between his legs.

The End.
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