
The Truth about the Feminist Movement.

I've often thought it odd how the Feminist movement always destroyed a woman being feminine.
Here is a list of interesting observations, a good read and thought provoking. 


1/58 Feminism is a hate movement designed to persecute, enslave, impoverish, imprison and exterminate responsible, honest and hard-working men.

2/58 Feminists are psychopaths and (a) lack empathy, remorse, shame and guilt, (b) demonstrate no analytical skills or logic (they're essentially idiots and are functionally illiterate in math and their language of birth), (c) are glib, insincere, disingenuous and present with shallow affect (have no conviction, deny any objective facts and reality and contradict themselves frequently), (d) are solipsistic, parasitic, opportunistic, manipulative, deceitful and duplicitous, (e) are irresponsible and blame others for the consequences of their own behavior, (f) lie compulsively and pathologically, (g) are short-sighted and unable to plan ahead, (h) have an inflated sense of entitlement, (i) demonstrate no agency, (j) are hypocrites and believe the rules apply to everyone except them, (k) contribute nothing to solving problems except telling others what to do and make themselves look good by making others look bad, (l) are uncivilized animals devoid of conscience and depend upon constant affirmation by others of their existence, (m) are authoritarian and demonstrate no independent thought but only parrot the thoughts of others who they perceive as having absolute power and on whose coat-tails they can advance their own self-serving agenda (not "authoritative" but "authoritarian" - there's a difference), (n) interpret complaint about their crimes and misbehavior as evidence of their success in oppressing and defrauding others and only encourages them to impose more, (o) get angry at and persecute those who object or refuse to cooperate with their crimes, and (p) demonstrate childish and primitive defense mechanisms.

3/58 Women are allowed to vote presently, have agency and must be held responsible and accountable for their choices so don't blame laws, courts, governments, culture, hormones, circumstances, stress, men or anything else for the choices women make.

4/58 States, family courts and their officers, officers for agencies of Child Support Enforcement, Guardians ad Litum, representatives of the Divorce Industry, case workers for Child Protective Services, feminists and other special interest groups, and many others encourage mothers, other women and feminists to make false allegations of domestic violence, rape, child abuse and other crimes against innocent men.

5/58 Women are responsible for most domestic violence, child abuse, rape and many other crimes but most of those who have been accused of, charged for, convicted of and punished for all these crimes are men (this from myriad scientific manuscripts by scholars including Drs Daniel Whitaker of the Center for Disease Control and Murray Straus from the Univ of NH, PASK, the US Dept of Justice, the Heritage Foundation and other official and authoritative sources)

6/58 Remember The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

7/58 During the past forty-six years in the US, more than forty-million children have been separated forcibly from more than twenty-five-million fathers, more than half those instances rationalized by false allegations of domestic violence, rape and child abuse against the men (see PASK, the US Dept of Public Health and Human Services, Taken into Custody: America's War Against Fathers, Children and the Family by Dr Stephen Baskerville, and many other official and authoritative sources)

8/58 During the past forty-six years, more than one-third of adult women in the US have defrauded criminally an innocent man just using divorce and child support alone but during the forty-six years prior almost no men divorced their wives, collected child support from them and/or denied them access to their children (see the US Dept of the Census, the US Dept of Public Health and Human Services, the Heritage Foundation and many other official and authoritative sources)

9/58 There are many other legal, political, social and financial mechanisms by which women defraud men criminally (VAWA and Title IX for instance permit women to make false allegations against innocent men with impunity and with no evidence, denying men their fundamental rights to due process)

10/58 After fathers and children have been separated forcibly, states award custody to mothers, order fathers to pay child support exceeding cost of raising the children by many multiples and that which fathers should and can pay by many multiples more and then exchange the child support and federal subsidies attached to laws like VAWA and Title IV-D with mothers, other women and feminists for votes and absolute power (see Taken into Custody: America's War on Fathers, Children and the Family and many articles by Dr Stephen Baskerville, The Law and Economics of Child Support Payments by Dr William Comanor and excellent chapters and other articles by Dr Sanford Braver, and many other official and authoritative sources)

11/58 Women manipulate governments (and even their own families) with the public spectacle of their chronic victimhood and governments (and families of the innocent men) acquiesce by persecuting, enslaving, impoverishing, imprisoning and exterminating honest, hard-working and responsible men in exchange for votes, money, political expedience and absolute power

12/58 This dynamic inspired Benjamin Franklin approximately 260 yrs ago to write: "Those who would give up essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither security nor liberty."

13/58 Feminists use absolute power to broadcast propaganda and lies that they have greater need for health care even though science and facts show that more men die and die earlier than women of all leading causes of mortality except breast cancer (support for this fact can be found almost anywhere)

14/58 For example, feminists (including representatives of the Natâl Organization for Women) lied to Congress that more funding needs to be directed to study of cardiovascular disease among women because more women than men die of it after the age of sixty-five, omitting the simple and obvious facts that most people who die of cardiovascular disease are men before the age of sixty-five and that the only reason more women suffer from cardiovascular disease after the age of sixty-five is that most men are already dead and women outlive men by more than six years, which supports the need for more funding of cardiovascular disease (and almost all other agents of mortality) among men and not women

15/16 There are two parts of every lie: the evil people who tell it and all the stupid people who believe it no matter how obvious it is because they profit from it

16/58 With those lies, women and feminists coerce legislators to appropriate more financial resources to their life-style choices, giving them more access to unnecessary health care at the preclusion of access for men to much needed real health care

17/58 Because women represent a large and growing majority of the population and electorate, Legislators oblige women and feminists with budgets for health care which exceed that of men by many multiples, stealing funds from men to pay for it (like through child support and other almost-exclusively male taxes and mandates) and precluding men from access to needed health care

18/58 As a result of this dynamic, women live more than six years longer than men, have higher standards of living, consume way more resources and receive disproportionately more public assistance from programs to which they contributed disproportionately less

19/58 Governments throughout the United States celebrate Men's Health Month in June with public broadcasts like one at which advise that "Men's Health Month exists to alert, inspire, and educate men to realize that the most important thing they can do is take responsibility for themselves so they can be there to care for those they love." or at which advises men to "MAN UP" because "Men face unique health challenges and one of the most dangerous may be their reluctance to seek health care."

20/58 The ones men love are not more important than the men themselves because men can't help others if they can't help themselves, the health of men is not important only if it is of service to others as examples of shameless agitprop imply and the crisis of health care among men is not a consequence of choice by men more than it is the product of circumstances imposed upon them about which they have no choices and for which they have no political, social, legal or financial recourse

21/58 The US incarcerates more men per capita than any other country in the history of the world except for Nazi Germany during war-time and Stalinist Russia, women represent less than five-percent of inmates and women receive much shorter sentences for the same crimes (see the US Dept of Justice, Depts of Corrections and many other official and authoritative sources)

22/58 Women are responsible for most domestic violence, child abuse, spousal homicide and many other crimes but receive shorter sentences for the same crimes if they are sentenced at all

23/58 Many innocent men are in prison because they were accused falsely by women of crimes like rape and domestic violence and initiatives like the Innocence Project have exonerated more than three-hundred men after an average of thirteen years in prison

24/58 Adequate resources to exonerate and release all innocent men from prison do not exist because the number of innocent men in prison is estimated in the hundreds of thousands and it is easier to find enough people to bear false witness against an innocent man than it is to prove his innocence

25/58 More than fifty-thousand men are in prison because they can't afford to comply with orders for excessive child support and ten-percent of them have never fathered a child (this number is a conservative estimate and an exact figure is unavailable because governments are obfuscating the actual reasons for incarceration in an effort to cover up rapid expansion of debtor's prisons which were outlawed by President John Adams more than two-hundred years ago)

26/58 Almost all fathers have and continue to support their children the best they can, the only time they can't is when mothers and governments interfere, almost all of the infinitessimally small number who deliberately refuse have been alienated from their children, and the entire concept of a "dead-beat dad" is nothing but feminist propaganda, lies and a myth

27/58 "Neither a borrower nor a lender be, For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry."  Lord Polonius (Hamlet by William Shakespeare)

28/58 "Never spend your money before you have earned it." Thomas Jefferson

29/58 During the past ten years, mothers for ten-percent of children do not know who the fathers are but identify him correctly on a birth certificate, mothers for ten-percent of children do not know who the fathers are and don't identify him correctly on a birth certificate (which is paternity fraud) and mothers for fifteen-percent of children don't even identify a father on a birth certificate (this from myriad scientific manuscripts concerning genetic marker analyses and the research by many scholars including Dr Ned Holstein who administers The National Parents Organization)

30/58 In direct response to false allegations of domestic violence, child abuse and rape, imposition and oppression by family courts and agencies of child support enforcement, impoverishment and enslavement, denial of passports with which to escape their persecutors and denial of public assistance, more than 300,000 fathers have committed suicide in the US during the past forty-six years (see the US Dept of Mental health, the the Nat'l Institute for Suicide Prevention and many other official and authoritative sources)

31/58 An additional one-million men have committed suicide and many of these instances likely concern persecution too or false allegations but reasons are undocumented

32/58 Almost none of these men suffer any chronic mental illness but were denied any benefits of living in society and suicide was their best if not only choice

33/58 Incidence of suicide among women is approximately one-quarter that among men and almost no instances have been in response to divorce, child support, family law or persecution by the government but instead are expressions of solipsism, narcissism and to manipulate with the public spectacle of their chronic victimhood which is why the proportion of women who fake suicide is so much greater than number of men

34/58 In fact, imposition by family courts, agencies of child support and governments upon women in any way throughout history of the US has never even come close to present imposition upon men, including unlawful imprisonment, unlawful suspension of passports and driver licenses, systematic abduction and trafficking of children and denial of public assistance

35/58 Whenever and where ever you find women whining that they are oppressed, men are oppressed far worse

36/58 Keep your stick up-slope and up-stream

37/58 Because of child support, Title IX and other developments denying them due process rights, men have no incentive to pursue educations, are actively precluded from educations and the ratio of men to women at universities presently approximates 2:3 (see the 2012 letter from Senator John McCain to US Attorney General Eric Holder concerning Title IX)

38/58 Even though women represent a large majority of students matriculated at universities, they represent a small minority of real degrees like ones in the Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering and Arts but are grossly over-represented by bullshit degrees like social-work and clinical psychology, business administration and middle-management, accounting and business finance, teaching in public schools (where young boys are drugged and indoctrinated into the feminist hate cult), and (of course) women's studies

39/58 These professions which women and feminists choose in disproportion to men allow them to exercise unmitigated and absolute control over the lives of others (particularly men and children) and chances are if your only contribution to solving a problem is telling others what to do then you're the problem

40/58 Approximately ten-percent of children in public schools are prescribed drugs like methylphenidate for treatment of ADHD even though they suffer no mental illness but are just bullied by their mothers and the government and have been denied systematically protection by their fathers (many sources corroborate these facts including ones available through the American Medical Association, the National Institute of Mental Health and many other official and authoritative sources)

41/58 More than two-thirds of children in public schools prescribed drugs like methylphenidate are boys and governments and the pharmaceutical industry pay mothers and teachers (almost all women) for referring these children to therapists who prescribe the drugs because they have been taught that being a boy is a mental illness

42/58 Also because they don't live as long and owe child support they can't possibly pay, men do not benefit from programs concerning public assistance to which they contributed disproportionately more than women and feminists

43/58 Approximately ninety-five-percent of homeless are men and more than fifty-percent of those in poverty are men

44/58 Adjusted for hazard, hours worked, career tenure, education, child support and alimony, taxes, contributions, accomplishments, productivity, public assistance, debt (and its monetization), and many other variables, men are paid considerably less than women and have been for decades

45/58 Women are paid more and consume approximately eighty-five-percent (85%) of resources as concluded by many marketing and government studies (ie Bureau of Labor Statistics) and men are sent to die in endless wars, are forced to work long after they should have retired and can work, and are denied public assistance to satisfy that excessive consumption

46/58 The government wants women fighting in combat because it knows they can be more easily manipulated than men to kill their own citizens and even men in their own ranks (just look at how good the government has been at destroying families and fathers and children by paying mothers, other women and feminists to do it)

47/58 Men don't live as long, are imprisoned at alarming incidence, are denied education and any benefits of it, are denied their right to due process and die prematurely so women and feminists comprise a growing majority of the population and electorate and vote themselves more entitlements with no responsibility and at the further expense of men and children

48/58 Men represent a shrinking minority of the population and electorate because of systematic persecution, impoverishment, enslavement, imprisonment and extermination by women, feminists and their own government which is a dynamic recognized Thomas Payne 230 yrs ago, inspiring him to write: "The purpose of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government."

49/58 The feminist police state metastasizes, our political, legal, social and financial infrastructure falls apart and the economy collapses but to create the illusion of recovery, the feminist police state promotes and executes the involuntary sacrifice of more men and the transfer of their wealth to women and feminists in exchange for votes and more control to satisfy its malignant narcissism and addiction to power

50/58 As further evidence of its malignant narcissism, the feminist police state denies a growing number of men passports with which to escape their persecutors so that it can enslave them

51/58 Slaves don't make very good employees because they tend not to produce much and are hard to manage but women, feminists and governments aren't adequate substitutes for men as laborers, scholars and fathers

52/58 Legal reform will not discourage the systematic abuse of men because these problems were created by laws in the first place for benefit of the legal community, feminists, governments and women including legislators so more laws will only benefit the legal community, feminists, governments and women but not men

53/58 Recognizing the limited value of law as a solution for the problems of people approximately 2,500 years ago, Plato wrote: "Responsible people don't need laws to be responsible and irresponsible people will always find ways to violate laws."

54/58 "And the hearts of the children shall be turned to their fathers and the hearts of fathers to their children lest I smite the world with a curse." God (The Holy Bible, Malachi 4:6)

55/58 These dynamics which have been itemized reflect a primitive and uncivilized form of social organizing typical of humans during the Stone-Age and lower primates

56/58 Revolution is not violence but an affirmative defense against the violence that was done to us first and without provocation

57/58 There shall be no rights without responsibility and the Nineteenth Amendment must be repealed

58/58 These facts and conclusions are supported by and may be cross-referenced and verified with data from the US Dept of the Census, US Dept of Public Health and Human Services, Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, the Heritage Foundation, US Dept of Justice, Depts of Corrections, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nat'l Institute of Mental Health, Nat'l Institute for Suicide Prevention, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, almost all private and public marketing studies, myriad objective manuscripts published in refereed scientific journals including the New England Journal of Medicine and journals by the American Medical Association, Taken Into Custody: America's War on Fathers, Children and the Family by Dr Stephen Baskerville, The Law and Economics of Child Support Payments by William Comanor, and many other official, authoritative and respected sources

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