
Various ramblings

First of all, I'm still slightly agitated that Heroes was not on TV tonight.  Instead we're graced with SNL Bash Republicans '08, I mean Presidential Bash '08.  Joking aside, they poke fun at everyone, though at a seemingly lesser extent at Obama/Biden. 

I'm feeling rather sick due to the back-to-back Banquet microwaveable dinners of alleged Fried Chicken/Mashed Potatoes and Beef & Cheese Enchiladas/Rice.  I skipped lunch today so I was rather hungry.  I now immediately regret it.  And it is not something the people in line behind at the polls tomorrow are going to appreciate (I had to work in a fart joke somewhere).


Some of the political ads this year have been rediculous.  One that sticks out to me is one of a local candidate.  They're attacking Martha Good, who is running for Clerk Of Courts in Hamilton County, Ohio.  They point out all her supposed flaws and at the very end there's this dorky looking kid who doesn't even look old enough to vote let alone punch a hole into any slot.  He's standing there, right, and he says "Martha Good? How about Martha Bad."  Talk about lame as fuck..that pretty much takes the cake.

Tomorrow is the day and I'm glad it's nearly over.  As much as we all bash each other back and forth, I think we can all collectively agree there.  Things have come up that have been beaten to death more than the hide on an old catcher's mit.  Of all the topics that have been discussed, I don't recall seeing much discussion on one item and I've been thinking about it the past several days.  What I'm talking about is early voting.  Maybe it's because I've never had problems voting or having to deal with long lines or wait times, but I simply do not get it.  I don't disagree with it because I'm a registered Republican and early voting favors Democrats (and it does), honestly.  I think it opens the election up to fraud and there have been reported cases so far.  I don't care what is requires, but I think we owe it to our Constitution to keep it Election Day, and not, Election Month.  There has to be some resolution possible to combat the past issues of not enough poll workers or locations or disenfranchisement, which we've made the mistake of taking any excuse as such. To make the process in the current state even more laughable is hearing reports all week of people waiting 3-4 hours to vote early.  I heard some Jacky on the radio today boast about how he mustered the strength and exuberated his patriotic duty of waiting 3 hours to vote early because he feared of problems on Election Day.  He ultimately admitted never having problems and spending no longer than 15 minutes at the polling place...rediculous..Oh well that's all I have.


I'm Live101Proof..and I'm copying everyone else's sign-off.

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