
You know it's time to take break from drinking when...

...yeah. It was one of those nights. I didn't even plan on getting drunk because I had to work a 16 hour shift today. But the last time I ate before I began drinking was 7 hours earlier. So all 5 beers and that shot did me dirty. I drank 2 Budweiser American Ale's, an Amber Boch, and 2 very large bottles of Fat Tire. I don't actually remember leaving the bar and walking to the car we came in. So I wake up this morning and my better half isn't in bed with me. I assume he's just gotten up early to run some errands or such. No... he's just waking up. He slept in his daughter's room... because he (and our friends) remember what happened last night. This is really embarassing, but taking a bunch of shit for it is gonna keep me from doing it again.

Apparently, when we left, I wandered off to the car and my friends found me lying face down on the ground. I'm not sure if I fell or if I just laid down, but that's how they found me. I cried the entire ride home, because I didn't want to throw up on my boyfriend again (like I did two years ago while he was sleeping...). I threw up on our driveway twice. I went into my room and stripped off all of my clothes and demanded my boyfriend let me out of our room to go pee. When he told me to put my clothes back on, I sat down at my computer desk chair and pissed on myself and it. Yes. You read that right. I pissed on my chair, which is now ruined. Then I started screaming at him because he "never receives the space transmissions". At some point, while he was asleep, he woke up to me on top of him punching him (thank heaven I hit like a lame duck, if lame ducks could hit, you know). At some other point, I think he was taking me to the bathroom after I pissed on myself, I threw my brand new boots in the toilet and ran out into the living room screaming at everyone for laughing at me. I'm not sure what I did to prompt this, but my boyfriend and our mexican roommate removed all the sharp objects from the room and my boyfriend barricaded himself inside his daughter's room because he was afraid I was going to stab him in his sleep.

So when I wake up this morning, I have no recollection of any of this. When my boyfriend comes into the room, I playfully ask him if I did anything assanin last night and the look on his face says it all. So...... now we know what makes nox the lamesauce! I'm extremely ashamed of myself and amazed that i'm not single after my actions. I see a lot of full body massages in my boyfriend's near future and probably some angry anal sex...

Anywho, I think i'm gonna take a step back from the drinking for some time before I do end up single.

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Tags: drunk moron


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