
Girl with No Arms Legs

This guy is walking the beach & he see's a row boat and hears crying from behind it. He goes over to the boat and behind it is a girl with no arms & no legs crying. So he asks "Why are you crying". the girl sobs & says "I've never been huged b4". So the guy looks, noones around, picks her up, gives her a hug, & goes on his way. The next day he's on the beach & again he see's the row boat & hears crying, so he walks over & sure enough the same girl is there crying again. So a little irratated he says "Why are you crying now?" She says "I've never been kissed b4", so he looks around, kisses her, & walks off. The next day he's on the beach, & again the same row boat & hears the crying, so he walks over & she's crying again. So now he's pissed & says "Whats wrong now?" She looks up & says "I've never been screwed b4". So without even thinking he puts her in the boat, rows out a couple 100 yards out, looks around, picks her up & throws her over board & says "Now your screwed!"
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