
Growing Up In A Small Town

1. You can name everyone you graduated with.
2. You know what 4-H and FFA are.
3. You went to parties at a pasture, barn, or in the middle of a dirt road.
4. You used to lap "main".
5. You said the "F" word or smoked a cigarette and your parents knew within the hour.
6. You scheduled parties around the schedule of different police officers, since you know which ones would bust you and which ones wouldn't.
7. You could never buy alcohol because all the store clerks knew how old you were (and if you were old enough they'd tell your parents anyhow).
8. When you did find somebody old enough and brave enough to buy alcohol, you still had to go out into the country and drive on back roads to drink it.
9. It was cool to date somebody from the neighboring town.
10. The whole school went to the same party after graduation.
11. You don't give directions by street names, but by references: (Turn by Nelson's house, go 2 blocks east to Anderson's, and its four houses left of the track field).
12. You know everyone's car/truck and are expected to wave when you meet them in the road.
13. You can't help but date a friend's ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.
14. Your car stays filthy because of the dirt roads and you will never own a dark vehicle for this reason.
15. The town next to you is considered "trashy" or "snooty", but is actually just like your town.
16. You refer anyone with a house newer then 1980 as the "rich people".
17. The people in the "big city" dress funny (then you pick up the trend 2 years later).
18. Anyone you want can be found at the local gas station or the town pub or in front of the post office.
19. You see at least one person a week driving a tractor through town or one of your friends drives a grain truck to school occasionally.
20. The gym teacher suggests you haul hay for the summer to get stronger.
21. Directions are given using THE stop light as a reference.
22. You decide to walk somewhere for exercise and 5 people pull over and ask you if you want a ride somewhere.
23. Your teachers call you by your older sibling's names.
24. Your teachers remember when they taught your parents.
25. You can charge at all the local stores or write checks without any ID.
26. The closest McDonalds is 15 miles away (or more).
27. The closest mall is over an hour away and is called simply "THE Mall".
28. It is normal to see an old man riding through town on a riding lawn mower.
29. You are related in one way or another to a large percentage of the town's Population.
30. You laugh your butt off reading this because you know it is all true and you forward it to everyone who lives in your town (because you know them all).
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