
Tennis Elbow

John goes to the doctor and says, "Hey doc, i think i got tennis elbow." The doctor gives him a cup and tells him to piss in it. So he does and gives it back to the doctor. The doc pours it into a machine, gears start turning and lights start to flash. A Piece of paper comes out. "You got tennis elbow john, that'll be $100." John said "Bullshit." The doctor handed him another cup. "go home, piss in it and bring it back tomorrow." John goes home. He pees in the cup, he gets his wife to pee in the cup, he gets his daughter to get the cup, and his dog. And he even Fires of a load in there. Then, the next day the doctor pours it into the machine and the the gears start to turn and lights flash. The doctor takes the piece of paper and looks at it. "Oh no thats terrible." John started to laugh, "What is it doc?" "Well john, your wife is pregnant, your daughter has aids, your dog is about to die, and if you don't quit beating off, you will never get rid of that tennis elbow!"
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