
Boss Tells Employee to 'Look Pretty,' So She Makes Sure Every Customer Sees How Pretty She Is

There are many disrespectful things you shouldn't say to a woman, but two items on the top of that list are "you should smile more," and "you should dress more nicely." Actually, maybe we should just stop telling women what to do. 

Unfortunately for one woman working as a salesperson in a jewelry store, her boss thought she could do more of both. "The only thing she hates in that job was the manager, Suzie," a friend wrote on the r/antiwork subreddit. "Suzie has an attitude similar to the fairy godmother from Shrek... Her favorite past time was chatting with a customer while 'criticizing' the employees with remarks about their looks, appearance, or how they accessorize."

Deciding that enough was enough, the employee decided to take matters into her own hands by actually listening to her boss, in the literal sense. "For the entire week, which crosses Valentine's Day, she dressed up in gowns and dresses matched with accessories that made her look like a Barbie princess."

Ironically, her stunt was a huge hit with customers, despite Suzi's disapproval. Fortunately, the store's owner was happy with the sales numbers and rejected Suzi's proposal to fire the employee. Soon it was Suzi who decided to show herself the door. 

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