
Sunday Morning Randomness: 40 Fantastic Randoms to Sip With Your Morning Coffee

Happy Sunday, and happy weekend mostly done and dusted. You only have a few more hours before the post 5 pm Sunday sadness starts to set in, but hopefully, a quick scroll through these fun pics, memes, and tweets can hold that off for a few more hours. 

Initially, Madame Web looked like the biggest flop of the year, with attendance numbers lower than any other official Marvel release to date. However, with the viewing experience quickly turning into one of comedy, the theaters are finally starting to fill up. Although critics have once again blamed the poor viewership of a female led superhero movie on audience sexism, the fact that Madame Web has objectively one of the worst dollars spent to quality ratios ever has relegated that opinion to "hilarious jokes you can tell yourself," as one meme here put it. But, videos of packed theaters from around the country have started to go viral, with audiences laughing through each cringeworthy line. It almost makes me want to go and see it. 

Check out memes and tweets on that, as well as plenty more in this gallery of satisfying Sunday randoms to sip with your morning coffee. 

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