
Journal Entry 1

So I decided to ues ebaumswrold as my percenal journel so that I could keep track of whats going on in my life.  I think this will be a cool project so that many years from now when I look back on it as an old man I can look back at all the fun times i had in my life.  So im happy to be starting this journal so lets begin.


Day 1 ~ April 25, 2009

I slept in really late this morning and woke up at like noon.  I had some serial for breakfast and it was good and stuff.  And then I played video games for a little bit.  i did rally good and i fought some awesome monsters and got to chapter 3 before i got kinda tired so i went and made a ham and cheese sanwich for lunch.  my sanwich was really good and stuff like that.  then i got on youtube and watch some really funny short movies and i decided to get on ebaumswrold and watch some stuff too and thats when i came up with the itea to make a blog journal


i look forward to riteing my journel tomorrow everyone!  see u than

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