
Lost message or was that crying

I am all wrapped up in watching the Wall Street guys and gals because I admit it I agree there needs to be something done to stop this pay inequality. We allow them to run the unions out and then when Big Business profits go up we act surprised and yes I know its not that easy and they are not down to the reasons yet and I bet they wont get there. Once again mainstream America says you guys have no message and then you show them......? Oh yea the crying because you got maced hey they told you to leave damn it STOP crying and face your pain. When your parents got maced and beat the hell up nobody cared and sorry we dont care now either.
The really sad thing is this group speaks to more Americans than the Tea Party could ever do but the Tea Party got organized and leaderized (is that a word? oh well tonight it is) and then they went to hell with rabid talks of bringing this country to its knees, stopping the Government machine all for the sake of  "We can"  they damn near did it and they still have them damn chicken shit Republicans on the run. Now comes a group with "no message" and they are bringing to light all the greed that is running this country and running it right into the ground. My hope is they never get a leader because they will get organized and leaderized (there is my new word again ) and they too will become just another rabid dog that needs to be put down.
So please Wall Street Americans yell, chant, scream, but please please dont cry because you got maced and fight on there are plenty of us on your side and you have them bastards worried and in the end isn't that what you want? I also want to point out When president Obama got called out by a Wall Street group  during a lets raise some more money for the machine speech he stopped and talked to the guy. i dont care how you look at it, that never happened under Bush they would have been tackled and taken out just like those unpatriotic people deserved, I know its probably because Bush kept them trouble makers 5 blocks away in a fenced in area. Now that is real America...NOT!
Thank for reading Bohank
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