
Shantibaba420 is a fucking troll

Im sorry I know we said no more meebo blogs but this guys is just unbelievable...


[11:50pm] Shantibaba420: hi im new

[11:50pm] Platypuss: i saw that whats with the bunchie avatar

[11:51pm] Shantibaba420: lol hey I got featured today how can I get more views? y know?

[11:54pm] Platypuss: i dont just give away all the tricks to everyone who asks

[11:54pm] Shantibaba420: how u got in top 5?

[11:54pm] Platypuss: and lots of ppl ask

[11:54pm] Shantibaba420: haha ok, I got some cool GIF vids you should watch em if ya got time , I made them my own and FAILURe vids

[11:55pm] Platypuss: look if youre talking to me to just to get featured forget it.

[11:55pm] Shantibaba420: I like ya actually

[11:55pm] Platypuss: and asking ppl to watch your media will draw them away

[11:55pm] Shantibaba420: sorry I wont speak of that ne more how old r u

[11:55pm] Platypuss: you like me yet you have never seen my profile funny

[11:56pm] Shantibaba420: Id o have seen ur pic nuff needed

[11:56pm] Platypuss: and youre superficial how can i resist you now

[11:56pm] Shantibaba420: wait u smoke weed at least?

[11:56pm] Platypuss: read my profile i have a bf i dont give 2 shitsw if you think im cute

[11:57pm] Shantibaba420: I got GF

[11:57pm] Platypuss: go fuck her

[11:57pm] Shantibaba420: saying ur nice doenst mean I wanna hit u up

[11:57pm] Platypuss: in the last 5 minutes you brought up everything annoying there is to bring up here

[11:57pm] Shantibaba420: I guess I cant be annoying anymore then/?

[11:57pm] Platypuss: and you ripped off an avy from a friend of mine

[11:58pm] Shantibaba420: from who really? which ill change

[11:58pm] Platypuss: if you wanna get featured, work at it like we all did

[11:58pm] Shantibaba420: k I want a harley davidson so I thought u could help me, to get eReps some advice or shit I had 10 000 suscribers on youtube and got banned acc suspended

[11:59pm] so tell me , do you at least smoke dro? Today

[12:18am] Shantibaba420: I got featured yet only 34 views ,any idea why

[12:19am] Platypuss: when a media is featured it takes 6 to 24 hours before it shows on the feature page. once its there, youll get thousands of hits

[12:19am] Shantibaba420: oh...

[12:19am] Platypuss: i cant believe youve been here twice as long as me and you cant figure anything out

[12:20am] Shantibaba420: but if it says "FEATURED" in red , it will appear in the 1st page?

[12:20am] Platypuss: you have to suck the mods cock first

[12:20am] Shantibaba420: I started using it yesterday girl so I wont be on the 1st page? [12:21am] I hope u get a lot of erepPs

[12:23am] Platypuss: like i said before, figure out how everything works by yourself like we all did if you really want it, youll work for it

[12:23am] Shantibaba420: girl u need some marijuana to chill ure all paranoic and stuff

[12:23am] Platypuss: you need to stop being suh a noob

[12:24am] be ashamed more

[12:24am] Shantibaba420: bah.. not cool

[12:24am] Platypuss: im annoyed not paranoid

[12:24am] Shantibaba420: dont be

[12:24am] Platypuss: then quit it

[12:24am] Shantibaba420: pest people who u dont like and ur done

[12:25am] Platypuss: all youre talking about is how to get this and that

[12:25am] Shantibaba420: Why Platypuss?

[12:25am] Platypuss: you dont wanna make convo with me, you want my knowledge so fuck it

[12:25am] Shantibaba420: lets make some duo stuff sub 4 sub

[12:25am] Platypuss: fuck you

[12:25am] Shantibaba420: and what else

[12:26am] Platypuss: im not doing a duo with you

[12:26am] Shantibaba420: cmon I cna get some views ya know

[12:26am] Platypuss: no means no im not your mother

[12:26am] Shantibaba420: k soz

[12:26am] Platypuss: how old are u

[12:26am] Shantibaba420: 23

[12:26am] Platypuss: you sound 15

[12:26am] Shantibaba420: im high

[12:26am] Platypuss: ease up on it

[12:27am] Shantibaba420: is baddozer=ebaum? r u legal? or barely legal?

[12:27am] Platypuss: now, stop because im just gonna have you kicked off

[12:27am] Shantibaba420: awww why I though u liked me a bit

[12:27am] Platypuss: troll

[12:28am] Shantibaba420: I added u for ur name

[12:28am] Platypuss: exactly

[12:28am] Shantibaba420: but ur mean change ur name to MadPuss

Shantibaba420 is blocked

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