
The Art of Chat


One of the best features of chat is being able to draw all kinds of neat things. Granted, some peeps go overboard on the scribbles and penises, but it's the stuff that takes time, effort, and a willingness to bring a little cheer or comic relief that makes it interesting.

Also, there's some great talent among users in the section that would be a pity to go unappreciated.

In a new theme I'd like to make ongoing if supported, I informed chatters I'd be pasting a few random works and giving them the proper credence for their time and gifts.

Fred_Savage is such a kidder, and one of those guys that enjoys putting a lot of work into catering to others' jokes, preferences, and interests with some funny ass pics. He loves drawing shaved ball pics for me, too:



Astropig even surprised me greatly with his work. This guy is a no-holds-barred, seriously talented artist that never fails to wow everyone with the stuff he churns out. I wish I had been able to copy some of his earlier stuff, but either way, the only permission I got from him so far on his pics was in regards to a portrait and kitty he did for me, that I told him I just had to keep:



retardedkkk666 is a pretty new user; at least, I hadn't seem him around much before recently. Current with the whole penis-drawing habit so many have there, at least 666 makes his pics funny and throws an interesting twist on the whole thing, such as his mosquito penis:


Of course, I love to throw in some random work a lot. Sometimes to charm peeps, sometimes at completely inappropriate times - or, on the right night, they're simply unexpected but strangely appropriate. One of my favorite ones to repeat is my famous fly, which I must draw for unzippingmyfly pretty much anytime I see him:



Surely, pic drawing is one of the highlights over there, and I hope to view more awesome and talented work for further blogs in the future. You're great, guys!


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