
This Site Has Changed...

First of all, don't get the idea that I totally hate this site, because I don't. But a lot of the things I've seen on here does not reflect the Ebaum's World I was adored 3 or 4 years ago. Now, kids are uploading pornography to the degree where it actually pisses me off. Granted, I love porn lol, but I keep it separate from this site. This site was made for humor and not little prepubesant kids who think boobs are the most important thing on earth, I really don't care at all. To me, it's just another way people try to get easy Erep points. If you take a look at my submissions, only one of of pornstars and I made sure there was no nudity, I am not a child lol. 

But what really struck me as seriously disturbing was an upload that someone made that showed a lady dropping a huge load of shit (4 pictures), and I thought to myself: Have we really sunk this low? Just because it's gross doesn't mean it will be featured. I hope to god that never gets featured lol, first because it's seriously unecessary, and secondly it doesn't deserve it. This site use to be ALL about humor, pranks, accidents, etc, but now there are these little fuckheads that post shit (literally and figuratively) just to get points. Though I have been a member for 2 years, I have just started to upload things about 4 or 5 weeks ago, and when I saw the "shit" that was being posted by other people, I really saw how this site has changed.

This is just the way I feel, and frankly I don't care about anyone's opinions about my feelings on how some of these members are pure shitheads (no pun intended). I know I won't change any of those kids minds, and I don't care, I just want people to make sure people know what's going on here lol. 



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