
Trolling Omegle

Ok some people here have been going to Omegle to try to see how hard it is to find another ebaum there.  Truns out it's harder than one would thing given that there are only 3 - 4,000 users at a time.  Also it turns out it is fun as hell to troll cuz it is loaded with idiots who think they are cool, but are really useless douche bags.  Basically they are horny losers who want to cyber, but are scared of meeting gay guys or trannies.  Anyway here is a recent conversatin I had.  I am "you" the useless douche bag is "stranger."


oh and I know Ashton Kutcher did Punked and not Jackass.


Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: hey Stranger: Heyy Stranger: I got a question You: what's up? You: yes? Stranger: Not much Stranger: Whaddya think about trannies You: I usually don't spend a lot of time thinking about trannies.... You: hmmmmmmm You: not sure why? Stranger: No reason Stranger: But are they, like, worth less than regular people? Stranger: Like, cisgendered people? You: oh I know what a trannie is You: well I don't know You: I've never tried to buy or sell one Stranger: No, no You: I don't know what the going rate on them is Stranger: Like.. You: if they are worth more or less Stranger: Should you treat someone worse 'cause they're a trannie? You: I can tell you I was going to buy a mexican once and they were two for the price of one! You: what a bargin that was! Stranger: Ew Stranger: Mexicans. You: well that's why they were two for one I think You: why are you looking to purchase a trannie? You: I hear you should alway check to see if the penis is functional Stranger: I'm not looking to purchase one You: some times it's not You: some times it is You: so be careful if there is not a return policy You: oh ok You: then why are you asking? Stranger: Jackasses. Stranger: That's why. You: the show? Stranger: No You: you need a tannie for the show jackass? Stranger: The hell are you even from? You: wow is this Ashton Kutcher? Stranger: ASHTON KUTCHER DIDN'T DO JACKASS, DUMBASS! You: I can't wait to tell my friends Ashton Kutcher tried to buy a trannie from me! You: wow what a day! Stranger: Fucking retard. Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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