Dude Almost Gets Away With Spitting on Someone on the...
- Never get too confident.
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Drunk Dude Passes Out in Bush, Then Gets Pissed On
- A drunken night gone from bad to worse.
Cops Chase Down Drug-Dealing Suspect While on Horseback
- Is that why they’ve got horses?
Dude Freaks Out After Kids on Train Won’t STFU
- Everyone reaches their breaking point at one time or...
Dumbass Thieves Crawl Their Way Through Failed Car...
- Is it just me, or are criminals getting stupider?
Priest Narrowly Avoids Getting Stabbed During Mass
- Never come after a man with the power of the Lord on...
Dude Wakes Up to Discover He Ate the Whole Hotel...
- That’s the whole vacation budget spent.
Boyfriend’s Revenge on Ex-Girlfriend Goes a Little...
- Creative? Yes. Evil? Also yes.
Drunk Man Does Backflip, Then Gets Into Fight With...
- Just an average Wednesday in Russia.
Cop Apprehends Suspect by Giving Him a Little Tickle
- Goochie goochie goo, it’s off to jail for you!
People Are Now Looting Restaurants for Their Eggs
- Why pay for a couple dozen when you can steal ‘em?
Meet the Woman Who Can Remember Every Single Second of...
- Honestly, it sounds like hell.
Meet India’s Fastest and Strangest Repair Man
- He’ll fix your items lightning quick (I think).
Thief Trapped in Convenience Store Shoots Out Glass...
- That’s one way to do it, I guess.
Guy Gets So Mad About $10 Seat Belt Ticket That He...
- You know you’re just making this more expensive,...
Uber Driver Explains to Passenger That Her Degree...
- Words are hard.
Cops Are Now Doing TikTok Reviews of Their Favorite...
- Everybody wants to be an influencer these days.
Egg Prices Are Causing Riots and Raids at Costco
- How many punches would you throw for a dozen eggs?
Turns Out You Can Get a VIP Table at Popeyes
- For those times when you want to ball out but you’re...
This Is What It’s Like to Live in the World’s...
- This one building was home to around 20,000 people.
Boomer Learns Through Force That You Can’t Smoke...
- Light up, get lit up.
UPS Worker Gets Fired, Films Himself Completely...
- I think it’s fairly easy to see why he got fired.
Annoying Influencer Ruins Famous Tourists Destinations...
- Is all this really worth it?
People On Train Get Into the Most Long Island Argument...
- It’s a beautiful accent.
Man Getting His Jewelry Store Robbed Reacts Like...
- I get you’re freaked out, but *that’s* how...
Two Dudes Try and Fail to Rob a Garbage Man
- Let me get this straight—you tried to jump the man...
Men Enter Women-Only Train, Get Slapped
- Hey, you’re not supposed to be in here!
Dude Gets Refused a Loan, Completely Loses It
- Well that’s not gonna help.
An American Woman Flew to Pakistan to Meet 19-Year-Old...
- The definition of “a lot going on.”
Some Dudes Stole a Subway Train and Took It For a...
- Is it really a joyride if you can only go one...
Tourists Get Blown Away by Jet Takeoff
- This is why you don’t choose the beach spot next to...
Karen Tries to Berate Fast-Food Staff for Closing Early
- Sometimes you gotta close early, geez.
Drunk Man Tries to Flee Cops, Runs Into Glass Door
- Sometimes, foiling crooks doesn’t take much.
Is Our Poor Diet to Blame for School Shootings? This...
- Surely it can’t be the guns.
Another Dude Wiped the Snow Off His Car with a Baby
- Well…that’s not good.
‘I’m Rich, You’re Poor’: Is This the Worst...
- Maybe—and that’s saying something!
Drunk Man Successfully Rips Tree Out of the Ground,...
- I think even *he* didn’t expect to be able to do...
Driver Pepper Sprays e-Bikers as He Races By Them
- And the internet’s response is…mixed.
TikTokers Are Using a Parenting App to Stalk Their...
- They’re entering the panopticon, and they love it!
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