15 People Share Horror Stories About Their Trashy Neighbors
Neighbors are the absolute worse. Put them up there with landlords and human resources. Neighbors can be a nightmare..
With that in mind, we've gone straight to the source of internet gold; AskReddit, and compiled 15 of the trashiest, trashbag, trash hole, stories about trashy neighbors that the internet has to offer.
We're talking chain-smoking, nosey, obnoxious, police might as well live their trash neighbors.
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Neighbors are the absolute worse. Put them up there with landlords and human resources. Neighbors can be a nightmare..
With that in mind, we've gone straight to the source of internet gold; AskReddit, and compiled 15 of the trashiest, trashbag, trash hole, stories about trashy neighbors that the internet has to offer.
We're talking chain-smoking, nosey, obnoxious, police might as well live their trash neighbors. -
Window-puncher was a frequent guest who liked to get drunk and yell. He earned his nickname one afternoon when he got into a fight with his hosts. He was yelling about how great of a friend he was and that they didn't appreciate him. He threatened to start breaking stuff and she threatened to call the cops.
Soon after, the whole building was shaking from him knocking around furniture and I heard glass shattering. The cops showed up and it took 4 of them to pin him down and cuff him in the parking lot. He was claiming that it was the woman who was breaking stuff. The whole time, he's bleeding onto the pavement from his torn-up window punching arm. He's ranting about how those two just lost the best friend they've ever had. Two weeks later he was back partying with them. -ElChocoLoco -
Cops are on our street every week. The lawn is filled with trash and broken appliances, broken glass and windows everywhere. Most recently the dad stabbed the kid after the kid screamed 'I need therapy' for almost 1.5 hours straight.
Then the ambulance came and just treated his wounds in the back of the unit while he continued to scream he just wants therapy. The mom is like 400lbs & apparently cheated on the dad on tinder cause that was a fight last summer they were screaming about. He was telling her if she can download Tinder to get some, she can download Indeed to get a job. LMAO. -deckpumps_n_deldos -
They threw their cigarette butts over the patio wall into the hedges. -ElChocoLoco -
They set off fireworks during the summer months till 3 am, and don't clean up the trash from them. -imout94 -
They’re the ‘broken jet ski on the lawn’ type of trashy. Great people, just a lot of junk everywhere which isn’t great in the suburbs. -RotundMarmot -
The man was a self-proclaimed deadbeat dad. It was pretty depressing hearing him talk about his kid who he didn't see enough and his "horrible ex". -ElChocoLoco -
One morning as I was having my coffee, sitting at my kitchen table, I watched as two of their kids (both in nothing but diapers) came outside and started drawing pictures on the side of their car with rocks. I wish I could have stuck around to watch them appreciate the artwork their children gave them. -Noonesbizniz420 -
My neighbor (about 4 years ago) would walk around his property (somewhat dense Midwest suburban area) completely naked. Just pacing back and forth. -AlanBill -
If she feels I'm getting too many packages delivered, she phones the police. She was looking through them when I caught her on my ring camera. -NaParadis -
The woman decorated the front patio with art made from beer bottle caps, dollar store knick knacks, and old liquor bottles. -ElChocoLoco -
My neighbors scream at people for parking in front of their house, not in front of their driveway, just anywhere along the curb. As if they don’t live on a public street or something. -positive_pizza20 -
A trailer park would seem classy by comparison to my neighbor on one side. Yelling at their kids, peering through the fence into my garden (have fun explaining how me tanning in the buff in my isolated fenced-off private garden is corrupting your children to the cops), riding a mower down the road and back several times a day, spying on our cars for when I'm home alone, trash bins on other peoples properties, mowing other peoples lawns without permission and care for items on the lawn, unemployed and generally an insufferable neighbor. -ShadowWolfee_34 -
Our neighbors go out in the city scavenging for recyclables; I don't have a problem with doing that per se since the sheer number of dumpsters makes it a profitable practice. However, they're outside at 5 A.M. sorting and washing glass bottles, making lots of noise, and spitting on the ground in the common areas. It's disgusting.
Every. Day. -larkinstrert -
He has confederate flags on two of his cars. We live in England. -MightyMeerkat97 -
For a period of time I saw the woman checking the mail while wearing an ankle monitor. -ElChocoLoco
- 23 Facepalms From This Week of Fails
Neighbors are the absolute worse. Put them up there with landlords and human resources. Neighbors can be a nightmare..
With that in mind, we've gone straight to the source of internet gold; AskReddit, and compiled 15 of the trashiest, trashbag, trash hole, stories about trashy neighbors that the internet has to offer.
We're talking chain-smoking, nosey, obnoxious, police might as well live their trash neighbors.