Whatever Happened To... - 21 Things That Just Kind Of...
- Check out this list of people who shared the somewhat...
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Would-Be Package Thief Accidentally Headbutts Brick...
- A wannabe porch pirate nearly knocks herself out...
21 Old-School Internet Facts The 'Youngins' Won't...
- These days, everyone takes the internet for granted....
24 Beloved Kids’ Movies That We Forgot Existed
- As children, it feels like most of us watched the same...
Norwegian Man Steals Mayor's Thunder By Cutting Ribbon...
- Leif Kydland a citizen of the city of Arendal in...
40 Depressing Pics to Help Laugh Away the Pain
- Soul sucking memes that will help you laugh in the...
51 Random Pics To Give You Your Fix
- Make boredom a thing of the past.
Twenty-Five Dark Memes To Laugh Away The Pain
- Twisted memes for twisted minds!
25 Dark Memes To Amuse Your Pitch-Black Soul
- Dark humor is the only humor I know.
25 Dark Memes To Laugh Away The Pain With
- These memes speak to my dark little soul.
Getaway Driver Chickens Out and Leaves His Buddies At...
- These 3 Jackasses went through a whole lot of work to...
Guy Holding An Umbrella Takes An Unexpected Flight Due...
- In this unplanned tribute to Mary Poppins, a man in...
Man Pulls His Wife Out of Harm's Way as Avalanche...
- A lucky moment for this couple out enjoying the...
Suspect Thinks He's Gotten Away, Gets a Big Surprise
- Chase started in Garland, moved into Dallas where...
40 Funny Photos To Laugh Your Day Away
- Just perfect for your long holiday weekend.
33 Truly Fascinating Photos That'll Blow You Away
- Put these in your eye holes.
Raging Flash Flood Waters Tear Through Downtown...
- "uhhh, I don't think we're going to that wedding...
Guy Goes Swimming With Dolphins Using A Special...
- An awesome getaway idea for any seasoned traveler!
Strayed Away: The Newest Conspiracy Theory To Have...
- For those of you who don't know, this is your...
Laugh in the Face of God with These 35 Hilarious Photos
- Laugh in spite of everything with these weird and...
Hit-and-Run Driver Tried to Get Away — Then a Man...
- Hammer time!
Guy Tries To Catch a Bee on Steroids
- Oh crap, you better hope he's not going to get backup!
35 Funny Pics To Laugh Your Day Away
- Funny and WTF photos to enjoy.
30 Light-Hearted Pics To Make You Feel Good Inside
- To help you through the week.
Man Films Lightning That Strikes 5 Meters Away And...
- Damn, that was way too close for comfort!
32 Fun Photos To Fuel Your Day
- Upbeat pics to cure the doldrums.
36 Fun Photos To Laugh Your Day Away
- Bring on the funny!
Angry Man Confronts Beggar Driving Away In New Toyota...
- This just doesn't seem right.
Two Amateur Burglars Break Into A Store In Broad...
- The amateurs were recorded breaking into a mall...
Lying People Who Didn’t Get Away With Their BS
- They got called out.
The Most Unbelievable Los Angeles Car Chases In History
- These people just had to get away and almost did!
A Nuclear Artillery Test Is Absolutely Mind Blowing
- A weapon so powerful you can't help but be awestruck.
Baboon is Blown Away by a Magic Trick
- A baboon can't comprehend the magic trick...
20 Interesting Science Facts
- Facts about our world that will blow you away.
25 Celebrities Who Had A Brush With Death
- Some of our favorite celebs who were inches away from...
The Ocean Swallows An Entire House
- Helpless friends and neighbors watch as the sea...
18 Things That Just Might Kill You
- Dangerous designs you'll definitely want to stay away...
Kid Wins Xbox One, Doesn't Even Care
- I love how he just walks away mid-interview.
Kid Hits Teacher With A Bottle Head-Shot
- You know you're in trouble when you hit a teacher...
16 Situations That Escalated Quickly
- Perfect examples of when things get carried away.
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