Angry MMA Fighter Picks a Fight With a Security Guard
- After getting refused entry to a private residence,...
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Fed Up Guy Puts An End To Racist Neighbor's Profiling...
- If you're going to be passive aggressive, putting that...
Idiot Security Guard Accidentally Shoots His Fellow...
- Who the hell gave these idiots guns, to begin with?
Epic Compilation Of Somali Pirates Getting Rekt
- If you're a Somali Pirate trying to take over a ship...
What Happens When You Bypass LAX Security?
- Dude casually walking away from a TSA officer after...
The Winner Of This Year's "Not My Job" Award
- Witness a massive security operation before a soccer...
Social Security Cards Explained
- Everyone has one but not everyone knows why!
High School Student Saves His Choking Friend's LIfe
- After realizing his friend was choking he quickly...
So This Asshole Broke Into My House Today...
- Home surveillance system captures a bold thief...
Security Guard Tackles Idiot At Kanye West Concert
- Dude thought he made it free and clear, but gets a...
After His Landlord Refuses To Return His Security...
- This is one sure way to either end up with a lawsuit...
Creepy Security Guard Caught Beating Off To The...
- A San Diego Chargers staff member gets busted rubbing...
Security Gaurd Caught Planting Drugs On An Australian...
- It's hard to tell but take a look and see for yourself.
Dad Caught Stealing Bowl Full of Halloween Candy
- This father tells his children to leave some candy for...
How NOT To Rob A Smoke Shop In Texas
- It's amazing no one was hurt with that hail bullets!
Mall Security Guard Pulls Gun On Driver After He Ran...
- This all happened at the Valley Fair Mall in San Jose,...
Female Prison Guard Is Grabbed By Male Prisoners
- A Brazilian guard unexpectedly found herself in a...
Security Guard Confiscates BMX Bike And Trick-Shames...
- This is a one in a million shot that he would be that...
Guess How Many Beers This Guy Tried To Sneak Into A...
- Let us count how many beers get confiscated.
Security Guards Play A Mean Prank On Co-Worker
- He probably never came back to work after that.
10 Most Heavily Guarded Places On Earth
- "There are many places on Earth that are difficult to...
Plane Crashes Into Tree And Catches Fire
- Security camera footage captures the shocking incident.
Security Cam Captures An Insane Number Of Crazy Events
- You will not believe all the action in this small...
The Neighbors From Hell Strike Again
- Asshole neighbors who make this poor guy's life a...
John McAfee Reveals How To Crack The iPhone On Live TV
- Is the government really just that inept, or are they...
Cop Chokes Out Security Guard
- A detective puts a citizen in a choke-hold during a...
Clever Contraband Smuggling Techniques
- 19 clever but failed attempts at smuggling illegal...
Fan Gets Tackled By HUGE Bodyguard
- A fan goes on stage and is tackled and thrown back...
Girlfriend Rips A HUGE Fart After Boyfriend Leaves The...
- A security camera catchers her letting loose.
Russian Airport Security Check Point Has Gone Too Far
- Meanwhile in Russia...
20 Crazy Things People Have Tried To Carry On Planes
- Some people just don't have any common sense.
Fans Bluffed Their Way Into The Super Bowl
- How two NFL fans bluffed their way past security into...
Security Guard Pepper Sprays 2 Year Old Child And...
- An outraged father confronts a security guard.
Scumbag Thieves Steal From Elderly Couple
- A man asks the couple for directions while his partner...
14 Inopportune Spelling Fails
- These people are going to have a hard time living down...
Best Reaction Ever To Oculus Rift
- A Ugandan security guard reacts to Oculus Rift.
22 "Life Hacks" For The Lazy
- Solve your daily problems like the lazy genius you...
Homeowner Uses Social Media To Track Down Theif
- Using images from his security system he asks the...
24 Crazy Things Confiscated By TSA
- Why would you even try to bring this stuff on a plane?
19 Examples Of Media Deception
- Do not always believe what you see and hear from the...
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