Man Has Seizure While Skydiving, Gets Rescued by...
- Yet another way skydiving can go wrong.
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Here’s What Happens When You Grab a Cable With...
- I dare say that it’s pretty… shocking.
They Put a BMX Bowl Under a Hot Air Balloon
- Don’t ask why—just enjoy it!
Man Recording Video of a Notoriously Dangerous Bridge...
- Well, it *was* dangerous.
Heavy Winds Rip Apartment Building to Shreds
- And the landlord’s still going to say that the...
Massive Tornado Rips Through California
- Recently, a tornado unexpectedly hit the town of...
10 Photos Explaining How Felix Baumgartner Jumped to...
- 3 ... 2 ... 1...
Dude on Motorcycle Just Misses Being Hit By Train
- For the last time, you’re not going to beat the...
Monster Machines: 22 Super-Sized Vehicles in Honor of...
- The last Boeing 747 has been made and sold, and will...
Helicopter Spins Out Into Airplane
- Yet another mark against helicopters.
Ultra Cheap: 23 People Being Overly-Thrifty and It's...
- They saves some money, but at what cost?
21 High-Flying Pics of America’s One and Only...
- He's red, white and blue all over.
Anderson Cooper Got Hit By Flying Garbage While...
- Bet he wishes he was back in the studio!
Zipline Park Tries to Promote Themselves By Flinging a...
- Someone please free this man!
Woman Making Fun Series About Her ‘Haunted’ House...
- This is why you don’t mess around with spirits!
Florida Dude Rides Inner Tube Through Flood and Into...
- If you’re in the middle of a flood, there’s...
Massive Blimp Crashes in the Middle of a City
- Blimps are pretty cursed, huh?
'Florida Man' Appears to Kayak Through Flooded Home...
- BREAKING: Florida Man spotted in Florida
28 Times Someone Tried to Warn Us All, But Was...
- If only people had listened.
'I Didn't Read It' - 27 Questionable Things Companies...
- Hidden stuff in the fine print.
Beachgoer Gets Surprise Delivery of Castaway Cocaine
- Forget metal detecting; if you really want to find...
29 People And Their Terrible Tattoos that Equal a...
- What were they thinking?
Ugandan Kids Reenact the Trump Assassination Attempt
- I guess that’s one way to spend your weekend.
No Thanks, I'm Good: 29 Questionable Things We Didn't...
- Do people actually get these?
25 People Who Definitely Regret Getting Tattoos
- How much is laser removal again?
27 Surprising Industry Secrets That Were Spilled By...
- What really goes on behind the scenes at different...
22 People Who Made a Terrible Choice When Getting a...
- These people might have some permanent regrets.
34 Lawyers Share the Petty Ways Couples Tried to Scam...
- Divorce can get real messy.
21 Examples of Quotes and Predictions Falling Flat
- Some things that aged like warm milk.
Once in a Lifetime View: 22 Very Rare Things People...
- Things that might be once in a lifetime.
26 Next Level Thinkers and People Who Pulled Real...
- These people make power moves only
30 Great Examples of When Stupid Rules Backfired in...
- These rules are made to be broken
18 Examples of People Who Got Passive Aggressive...
- Might not be the best way to solve their problems
17 People Who Were Inked With Terrible Tattoos of...
- They know those never come off right?
18 Times When Someone Did Something Impressively...
- Caught in the act of dumbness.
25 Investigative Facts about the Federal Bureau of...
- Facts about the Federal Bureau of Investigations to...
30 Examples of Jobs and Workplaces Where Safety Was...
- Someone's going to end up getting killed here.
15 Trashy Pics and Cringe People We Don't Want Any...
- The world is full of trashy people, and these sit atop...
19 Manipulative Life Hacks from People Living on...
- Don't sue us if these don't work for you.
18 Celebrities Who Demanded the Strangest Things
- Some ridiculous requests
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