Hawk Catches a Rat and Eats it In Front of a Traffic...
- A hawk swooped down and caught a rat, flew up and...
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Lone Rat Causes Mass Panic at the Dog Park
- Oh man, this guy is in the wrong neighborhood.
Pitcher Plant Absolutely Devours Rodent, Leaves Crumbs...
- These pitcher plants in California have the ability to...
Overly Attached Rat Wants To Shower With His Human
- Rats gets bad wraps, but if you've ever been around...
The Moment This Poor Guy Found Out His Friend Was a Rat
- "So I'm the only one being charged for narcotics? Yes."
Girl's Brilliant Revenge Against Messy Roommates Gets...
- Now that's what I call a teachable moment.
Big Ed Forced to Shower with Rose's Dad, It Gets...
- Nothing quite like showering with your future in-laws...
Snoop Dogg Trolls Tekashi 6ix9ine, Reminds Everyone...
- Snoop showin' everybody what a real G looks like.
Tekashi 69 Snitching Memes That Will Rat You Out
- Tekashi 69 is telling on everybody in hopes the feds...
Suicidal Mouse Jumps into Deep Fryer at Whataburger in...
- Ok, who ordered the Mickey special, extra crispy?
Aladdin Gets an Update For the Modern Era
- An out of work Disney animator makes use of his free...
Rat Attacks People on the Escalator
- The audacious rodent lunged at shoppers.
1000 Reasons To Wash Your Dried Chiles Before Eating...
- This is absolutely disgusting.
Lab Rat Turns Out To Be A Master Troll
- After years and years of human testing on rats, the...
Restaurant Goers Freak Out When A Rat Shows Up For...
- And that is your cue to leave.
What an Actual "Gym Rat" Female Body Looks Like
- All those "plastic" Instagram fitness models need to...
College Girls Savagely Kick A Rat Out of Their House
- These college roommates are instant icons!
One Man's Quest To Save A Dog Turns Into An Epic Ordeal
- Skyrim is full of unexpected challenges and rewarding...
Woman Pulls Gun Out Of Panties And Opens Fire
- A wild scene unfolds at a Detroit gas station. Legend...
Remote Controlled Rat Prank
- What happens when you attach a rat to a remote...
27 Trashy Moments From the Intelligence-Deprived
- Trailers and Walmarts and dummies, oh my!
Lisa Crashes Her Punk Ass Moped
- A girl from Oakland takes a very short ride on a moped.
Just A Game Of Cat And Mouse
- Only its not the cat who's in control this time!
Huge Rat Eating At Subway
- What, you've never seen a subway rat before?
15 Cool Rat Tricks
- Just some rats, doing some tricks.
Why I Don't Ride the New York Subway
- Now that's nasty.
Chuckee Cheese Again
- this place gets all the action
Rat Staring Contest
- 3:30 of pure WTF
Rat vs. 4 Cats
- The outnumbered rat is in for it
Rat in Can of Chef Boyardee
- Don't Watch While Eating! Thank goodness for rat...
Made in China!
- Things aren't what you think...
Really Carnivorous Plant Discovered!
- This plant eats rats! Check it at the end of the video.
Guy Swallows Whole Mouse
- Three mice a day keeps the doctor away.
eBaum's Picks