Train Plows Right Through a Crane
- When you think of transit hazards, “crane”...
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Parents Learn Why You Don’t Let Your Kid Hold a...
- In case that wasn’t already obvious.
Cowboy Wrangles Down Attempted Shoplifter
- Don’t mess with a cowboy.
L.A. Sheriffs Randomly Beat the Shit Out of a Dude,...
- In fairness, the man *did* have an air freshener in...
Robbers Enter Store But Can’t Break Through...
- Well, that could have gone worse, I guess.
Woman Taking Mirror Selfie Catches Another Woman...
- You can probably Photoshop that out.
Kids Release Balloons Into Power Lines, Knock Out...
- The adults should have seen this coming.
Drone Appears to Be Shining a Spotlight on People in...
- It’s noting which people aren’t worth abducting.
Keep the Holiday Spirit Alive With This Candy Cane...
- They said it was “giving season,” but no one said...
One-Armed MMA Fighter Scores Incredible Knockout
- It’s all about using what you’ve got.
Woman Stops Robbery By Hitting Thief Over the Head...
- Bringing wrestling moves to the streets!
Goths Go for Christmas Photo Shoot
- Even the goths get into the holiday spirit!
Flaming Van Flies Down Hill, Crashes Into Side of the...
- Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Russian Dude in His Underwear Causes Chaos in Thailand
- Well, it’s not the *worst* thing a tourist has done...
Truck Slowly Pushes Car Into Accident
- Delivery comin’ in hot!
Man on Elevator Learns that Alcohol is Flammable
- Good he learned it at some point, I guess.
Woman Gets Into Fight With an Ostrich
- If you find yourself fighting an ostrich, you’ve...
Dude Gets Tossed Off of Spinning Circus Machine
- Is this part of the show?
Tree Cutters Chop Down Tree Straight Into House
- See, you’re supposed to cut it *away* from the house.
Watch These British Lads Try and Fail to Cross the...
- At this point you should probably just go inside.
Heavy Winds Rip Apartment Building to Shreds
- And the landlord’s still going to say that the...
Teens Create Flamethrower on Train, Get Arrested
- Fire and trains don’t mix.
Pilot Landing Plane Crashes Into Another Plane
- Note: This isn’t what you’re supposed to do.
China’s Most Successful Live Streamer Is a Woman...
- One of the biggest industries for young people in...
Car Crashes, Does a Flip
- That’s not gonna buff out.
Dude Makes His Own Stop on the Train
- You have reached your destination!
Woman Accidentally Drives Car Into the Ocean
- In hindsight, this probably could have been avoided.
Dude Bragging About How Carefully He’s Driving...
- If you’re gonna talk the talk, you’ve gotta walk...
Pilot Expertly Lands Plane During Massive Windstorm
- Skills like these are indistinguishable from magic.
Man Learns Why You Turn Off Breakers Before You Cut a...
- You’ve gotta cut the power before you cut the power...
Ford Truck Driver in Drive-Thru Really Can’t Admit...
- I’m going to guess that car’s seen more...
Man Accidentally Runs Over Himself With Tractor
- He’s part of the fertilizer now.
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