Guatemalan Cops Caught Being Out of Their Minds on...
- Drugs? Alcohol? Both? I don’t know, but these guys...
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25 Artifacts from When Drugs Were Good for You
- Before society launched the War on Drugs, drugs were...
40 Ways People Tried and Failed to Smuggle Drugs
- There are a lot of ways to sneak drugs across a...
28 People Who Got High On the Job
- Scroll through, enjoy, and don’t take any of these...
16 Productive Posts from Your Friendly Neighborhood...
- Meth and those who use it get a bad reputation.
30 Law Enforcement Dogs Proudly Posing In Front of...
- It’s really adorable that some dogs have jobs, but a...
35 Vintage Drug Ads for An Old-School High
- Go back to a simpler time, when the opioid crisis was...
Soccer Fan Caught Doing a Bump of Coke on Live TV
- White lines both on and off the field!
Remembering When Eric Adams Tried to Explain All the...
- Whoever’s kid this is, they’ve got a lot of...
Ayahuasca Trips Are Making Silicon Valley CEOs Realize...
- A growing number of tech entrepreneurs are leaving...
Watch People ‘Get High’ on Frog Venom
- If you take any recreational drug thinking, “this...
Watch Dolphins Hit Puffer Fish to Get High
- Drugs aren’t unique to humans.
Opium Smugglers Use Massive Slingshots to Fire Drugs...
- If you’re a drug smuggler trying to get illicit...
Guy Roasted After Attempting to Calculate Heroin Into...
- Hitting your macros ain’t easy.
‘How F---ed Is My Mate?’: Man Questioning How...
- If you’ve been on the internet for long enough,...
Was Jesus a Mushroom? TikTok Theory Argues...
- Ahh Christianity, the world’s largest religion, the...
The YouTuber Narrating the Craziest Drug Trips from...
- We've stumbled upon one of the strangest and most...
27 Posts That Could Only Come From the Wet Minds of...
- If the brave psychonauts of r/LSD know one thing, it's...
Drug Dealing Douche Tries to Rob Undercover Cop at...
- An undercover officer attempted to make a deal for...
JJ Watt's Teammate Sends Drugged-Up Retirement Message...
- When a reporter asks NFL superstar JJ Watt about...
Is Aaron Rodgers Being Followed by the Sleep Paralysis...
- Green Bay Packers' quarterback Aaron Rodgers is a big...
Remembering the Time the Cast of ‘Titanic’ Ate...
- Were Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet victims of the...
Madonna Does Poppers For the First Time on TikTok Live
- The incident occurred when Madonna went live with...
24 People Share the 'Major' Events They Think Were...
- The world is full of conspiracy theories about major...
Coast Guard Slams Into Submarine In Drug Smuggling...
- Some drug smugglers thought they were clever using a...
Dave Steps up and Changes Girl’s Life, Be a Dave Not...
- It's really not that hard to be kind to someone. I...
El Chapo’s Secret Escape Route Is Absolutely...
- An inside look at the workings of an escape cellar...
Ex-Corrections Officer Talks About Life Inside Rikers...
- An ex-correction officer lifts the veil on the...
Amanda Bynes Accuses Fiancé of Doing Crack and...
- The Nickelodeon child actor from the '90s is back in...
25 Inappropriate Teachers Who Ended Up Getting Fired
- Tenure helps protect some good teachers (and a few...
21 Times Propaganda Did Its Job Perfectly
- Propaganda is just a part of our daily lives now. We...
Traffic Stop Uncovers $6 Million Dollars worth of...
- A routine traffic stop in Arkansas turns into a...
20 Dumbest Things People Have Ever Done While...
- Most of the time people say that drinking, smoking, or...
Cartels Turning to GTA V Online for Recruitment
- According to a recent report, cartel members may be...
Dude's Answer to How He'd Spend Powerball Jackpot...
- That poor reporter trying so hard to deflect, "Ok, so...
15 Best Stoner Movies of All Time to Spark One Up To
- Stop being dazed and confused about what stoner movie...
24 Insane Before/Afters of Recovered Addicts
- Recovery is an incredibly hard battle that many brave...
Videographer Drives Through Philly's Worst Streets
- This deeply disturbing clip was taken in the...
Meth-Tweaked Lunatic Runs Through Car Tunnel in Japan,...
- In what has since become something of a meme, a...
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